Summary:Hunter's War/Chapter 1

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  • /Scene 1 - Leslie tries (again) and fails to get a tattoo. There are disturbing reports of vampire attacks from around the city.
  • /Scene 2 - Introducing Adam and the New Inquisition. Pretty bad chapter, probably needs replacing.
  • /Scene 3 - Stef is working, Pete is there too. Small accident, mostly just introduction. Leaves early because Lucas phones.
  • /Scene 4 - John trying to calm Nigel down. Hears that there's a "body" in the neighbourhood. Leslie goes with first aid kit while John calls police and tries to calm Nigel.
  • /Scene 5 - Stef patrolling on her scooter. Some description. No action. Gets a call from John and races to help.
  • /Scene 6 - Leslie walking around Briarwood alleyways. Finds an injured woman who's been bitten, but no sign of the attacker. Stef arrives minutes later, concerned.
  • /Scene 7 - New Inquisition meeting at the pub. Trying to work out what's going on.